Party 07.07.17, 14:00 - 23:00 · Indoor · Kathmandu, Nepal Line-Up: Join us for techno Psy take over on fri with a small market on the roof is guranteed and entry is free.. the djs for the day would be Tanguy dai(france) Sabir( nepal) Durgesh( Nepal) Malien( Te…Location: Shamrock Irish Pub & Rooftop Cinema Kathmandu Paknajol Marg,… Vorbei: 7j 8m · 138 · Eingetragen von Vinayak Fotos0 People Techno Psy take over Kathmandu · Nepal · Karte Fr., 07.07.17, 14:00 - 23:00= 9stdIndoor · Vorbei: 7j 8m