Party 10. - 11.04.09 · Indoor · BASEL-CITY, Schweiz Line-Up: SYMPHONIX (blue tunes rec. / germany) HUMAN TRAFFIC (blue tunes rec. / germany) TRUE LIES (blue tunes rec. / germany)MONTAGU & GOLKONDA (blue tunes rec. / germany) MAPUSA MAPUSA (blue tunes rec. / germany) SHIMONO (tabula rasa)Info: the bookings are closed and confirmed! more will be published soon!Location: NORDSTERN, voltastrasse 30 Vorbei: 15j 11m · 3.143 · Eingetragen von tabula rasa Fotos0 People TABULA RASA presents a BLUE TUNES label night Basel-City · Schweiz Fr., 10.04.09, 23:00 - Sa., 11.04., 09:00= 10stdIndoor · Vorbei: 15j 11m