Party 08. - 09.05.10 · Indoor · ATHENS , Griechenland CANCELED Line-Up: SYSTEM 7 LIVE FIRST TIME IN GREECE System 7 is a band based around Steve Hillage and Miquette Giraudy. We released our first System 7 record in August 1990, and since then have released 9 albums and a…DARSHAN /EXCESSION SET This Grant Collins solo project aimed squarely at 4x4 techno and progressive house/trance. Intelligent, and with real attention to detail, his music always takes the listener…Info: skype: haris p aka fishimselfLocation: GAGARIN MUSIC SPACE LIOSION 205 ATHENS Vorbei: 14j 9m · 3.300 · Eingetragen von freezemagazine Fotos0 People SYSTEM 7 LIVE/DARSHAN/SOLAR QUEST BY FREEZE MAGAZINE 10 YEAR Athens · Griechenland Sa., 08.05.10, 23:00 - So., 09.05., 12:00= 13stdIndoor · CANCELED · Vorbei: 14j 9m