Party 24. - 25.10.09 · Club · Bolzano-Bozen, Italien Line-Up: you are me and i am you and we are all togethervenus gomaxXx ( tintifax ( synergy progressivepsytrancemeeting could be seen as an opportunity to have some dance together to various trancesounds brought by local known djs when it is a little bit cold outside for beautifulout…Location: dub via galvani straße 39 bz Vorbei: 15j 4m · 2.187 · Eingetragen von tintifax Fotos0 People SYNERGY Bolzano-Bozen · Italien Sa., 24.10.09, 23:00 - So., 25.10., 04:00= 6stdClub · Vorbei: 15j 4m