Party 18. - 19.09.09 · In- & Outdoor · antwerp, Belgien / 1 Line-Up: semi live : BITKIT (be) natural RANDOMROBOT (San fransisco usa)SOLIS (nl) (cancelled) replaced by DJ wizard of nos (starsflow)norion(B2B / unio mystica) be sytrix(unio mystica)be SHAWNODESE(Mind Funk/Doof Records) M.o.P. ramses rdeem (purple snow) DJ CLAIRITY (san francisco USA) ishtar(purpl…Info: open air starts in morning, bar & partyfloor indooor at night chill area /campfire / lounge ba /food bar with exclusive dj'sLocation: email4partylocation or location for tonight is HOTLINE : 04… Vorbei: 15j 5m · 2.973 · Eingetragen von M.O.P. Fotos0 People SUMMER OF LOVE : we like to partyh antwerp · Belgien Fr., 18.09.09, 20:00 - Sa., 19.09., 16:00= 20stdIn- & Outdoor · / 1 · Vorbei: 15j 5m