Party 14. - 15.05.11 · Indoor · antwerpen, Belgien Line-Up: BITKIT (live) (natural productions) EPHEDRIX (live) (dacru rec) presenting new albumspecial guest & dj FIRST TIME IN BELGIUM D-NOISER (balloonia rec) (germany) Strophoria (unio mystica) M.o.P. (balloonia rec) Kairon (kairoo records) Electric Lord (natural productions) Netasibes NOR…Info: be early & bring a smile exact location flyer or email toLocation: Bredastraat 72 2060 antwerpen Vorbei: 13j 9m · 3.631 · Eingetragen von M.O.P. Fotos0 People SUMMER OF LOVE GOING """BALLOONIATISTIC """ 24h edition antwerpen · Belgien Sa., 14.05.11, 22:00 - So., 15.05., 22:00= 1tIndoor · Vorbei: 13j 9m