Party 26. - 27.01.08 · Indoor · Martigne Briand (Near Angers - 49), Frankreich Line-Up: - xsi [mind control rec. - paris/fr.]- leptit [hadra rec. / shotu - grenoble/fr.] - kokmok [hadra rec. / transubtil - marseille/fr.] - dj greg [g*point / mandala rec. - paris/fr.] - lotus [mind control rec. - paris/fr.] - ashram [electro…Info: Infoline: +33(0) 0892.230.322 - Code Contact: #7712 Style: Psy-Trance: Progressive / Psyckedelic / Full-On / Morning Min. 14h of Music Informations: Firm and friendly Security - Watched car park No do…Location: In a Castle at Martigné Briand Vorbei: 17j · 1.461 · Eingetragen von ragdam Fotos0 People Sudden Impulse II Martigne Briand (Near Anger… · Frankreich · Karte Sa., 26.01.08, 22:00 - So., 27.01., 12:00= 14stdIndoor · Vorbei: 17j