Party 29. - 30.04.17 · Indoor · Novi Sad, Serbien Line-Up: After more than 10 years, psychedelic submarine revives again - this time in a secret room of the club The End, Novi Sad. We start at 23h exactly without warming up :-) Lineup: 23h-06h Pera [SubNeo]…Location: The End Night Club Novosadskog Sajma 35 21000 Novi Sad Vorbei: 7j 10m · 119 · Eingetragen von subterranea neoplantesis Fotos0 People SubNeo / Dangerous Freakuencies / Ten Years Later Novi Sad · Serbien · Karte Sa., 29.04.17, 23:00 - So., 30.04., 06:00= 7stdIndoor · Vorbei: 7j 10m