Party 09. - 10.02.06 · Indoor · Dublin, Irland Line-Up: Tis that time of the month when everyone knows there's a party going round.... Tonight we will be easying you into form for the great weekend ahead. We wont go too hard on ya (unless ya want it hard!)…Info: We are the Silly People and We like to Dance, We can make you LOVE it, just given half the chance. Join us on our merry way as our family grows Artists, Dancers, Musicians, Trancers, thats the ways it…Location: Basement Club, MISCHIEF, South William St Vorbei: 19j 1m · 1.057 · Eingetragen von Bandia Fotos0 People SPUD - Silly People United in Dance Dublin · Irland Do., 09.02.06, 21:30 - Fr., 10.02., 02:30= 5stdIndoor · Vorbei: 19j 1m