Party 15. - 16.04.17 · Open Air · Budapest, Ungarn Line-Up: DARK WHISPER (alice-d records) - Italy !!!!! 5 hours live !!!!! KINDZA (osom music) -Russia !!!!! 5 hours live !!!!! LUCID DREAMS " allstarZ " (Austria) VARÁZSLÓ (anomalistic crew) - Hung…Info: It's been 5 years since we organised our first party in Budapest. Since that, many things have changed and our vision about organization and life has taken different directions. Material needs are fad…Location: INFORMATIONS ABOUT THE PARTY TRAVEL BY TRAIN: From Budapest… Vorbei: 7j 10m · 1.074 · Eingetragen von dabudapest Fotos0 People Springer Sanctum - Annual Tree Planting Ceremony Budapest · Ungarn Sa., 15.04.17, 12:00 - So., 16.04., 22:00= 1t 10stdOpen Air · Vorbei: 7j 10m