Party 20. - 21.04.13 · Indoor · Tessin, CHIASSO, Schweiz Line-Up: ▬ LIVE ON STAGE ▬ ◢ BRAINIAC :: (Solar Tech records) Germany ◢ MENTAL FLOW :: (Ovnimoon records) Italy ◢ PSY-MR. :: (Monkeysexplosion tm/Quarion Tribe) Italy▬ ON THE DECKS ▬ ◢ ARMONIX :: (Solar Tech records) ◢ ALKEMIKA :: (Digital state creation) ◢ MEDIUM :: (Digital state creation) ◢ MAHI :: (Aphonix records) ◢ MASTERKAOS :: (Goanica)…Info: ▬ °° SPIRITUAL VISION °° II Edition 2013 ▬ The small organizations of elves are trying to link the planets of the cosmo, balancing levels of energy... Are you ready to partecipate in this revolu…Location: ▬ LOCATION ▬ SPAZIO OFFICINA Via Dante Alighieri 4 Chiasso (… Vorbei: 11j 10m · 2.360 · Eingetragen von Danceline Fotos0 People °° SPIRITUAL VISION °° II Edition 2013 (BRAINIAC Live) Tessin, CHIASSO · Schweiz Sa., 20.04.13, 22:00 - So., 21.04., 05:00= 7stdIndoor · Vorbei: 11j 10m