Party 20. - 21.01.24 · Indoor · Prague, Tschechien Line-Up: PETRAN / GR (Parvati Records) FRACTALIZARD / CZ & PSYCHOTEEK / CZ (Shivadeco) PSYRIX / CZ (Bhooteshwara records / Hedonix) REBORN / CZ (Cult of Naraka)Info: ENG Another party from the Naraka Cult is here, and this time will venture into the more wooded branches of psytrance. The main guide for this evening will be Petran, a representative of Parvati Re…Location: Vila Štvanice, ostrov Štvanice 858, 17000 Prague Vorbei: 1j 1m · 107 · Eingetragen von DjReborn Berichte0 Fotos0 Meeting0 People Spiritchaser Prague · Tschechien · Karte Sa., 20.01.24, 20:00 - So., 21.01., 06:00= 10stdIndoor · Vorbei: 1j 1m