Party 10. - 14.06.09 · Open Air · Rauchenwarth near Vienna, Österreich / 50 Line-Up: VIBE TRIBE (PHÖNIX REC) Isr. ALTERNATIVE CONTROL (Vision Quest) Ser. SPACE CAT (Hommega Rec.) Isr. PSYSEX (Hommega Rec.) Isr. NAKED TOURIST (Parvati Rec.) Ger. ATRIOHM (Parvati Rec.) - MK. PERPL…Montagu & Golkonda ( blue tunes rec.) Ger. B52 (Blue Tunes Rec.) Ch. Shybe (Blue Tunes Rec.) Ch. Fabio (Blue Tunes Rec.) Ger. Aerospace (Spintwist Rec.) Isr. Perplex (Spun Records) Isr. Rocky (C…Info: !!!NEW CONTACT FOR SHOPS!!! fees for the shops are: sorry food shops are closed but all others 300€ incl 2 tickets Sorry for the delay with the shop account we had some problems with our server. Pleas…Location: Rauchenwarth near Vienna Pics Vorbei: 15j 8m · 33.947 · Eingetragen von Goaran Fotos0 People Spirit Base Festival 2009 - the last one in rauchenwarth Rauchenwarth near Vienna · Österreich Mi., 10.06.09, 14:00 - So., 14.06., 18:00= 4t 4stdOpen Air · / 50 · Vorbei: 15j 8m