Party 09. - 10.12.06 · Indoor · Leerdam, Niederlande Line-Up: Fluofreax (PTA) Bart (Namaste) Yucka (CosmicCombination) Xebeche (Cosmic Combination) Up (4X4) Rafadelic (MashupBastardz) Brain Leech (Ganjatree Be) Greamush Foose (Ganjatree Be)Info: May the trance be strong and full of delight, from the next beat of our hearts to the last track tonight. May it mingle and intertwine with the networking minds, From the strong and the willful to the…Location: Rootz Vorbei: 18j 2m · 1.487 · Eingetragen von rootz Fotos0 People SPIRAL SESSIONS II Leerdam · Niederlande Sa., 09.12.06, 22:00 - So., 10.12., 07:00= 9stdIndoor · Vorbei: 18j 2m