Party 28. - 29.09.18 · Indoor · Nijmegen, Niederlande Line-Up: -- FULL ON AREA -- INPUT MALFUNCTION (LOCOBOT rec./ Psygathering /Global Army Music) STROPHORIA (FreeSpiritRecords) LIKEN (BoomBatsEvents) BODJ (SpiralGalaxyEvents) BEN & JERRY'S (SpiralGalaxyEven…Info: September 28 we are celebrating our 3 year anniversar!. Joe and the Spiral Galaxy team make another touchdown in the beautiful Brebl in Nijmegen.Location: Brebl Nijmegen This venue is placed in the old soup factory… Vorbei: 6j 5m · 393 · Eingetragen von benedict mein Berichte0 Fotos0 Meeting0 People Spiral Galaxy - Destination Spacestation Nijmegen · Niederlande · Karte Fr., 28.09.18, 22:00 - Sa., 29.09., 06:00= 8stdIndoor · Vorbei: 6j 5m