Party 24. - 25.02.12 · Indoor · Berlin, Deutschland / 8 Line-Up: Konstantin Lightrocker (Spiritual Healing) Dschawenga (Multasm) DNK (Space Voyage) progi'set D-Sunrise (Spiritual Healing, Sunday Dance) Mescalito_O vs. Ediks (Jungsta Djs:-) Psyruss (Space Sunnight)…Info: Hey People ! The massage is, that is quite and hard winter for many of us. Frozen colors, dreams and feelings, cold chaining our members, blacking up memories and piercing our souls. It´s ending no…Location: New Loc@RESSORT Club Alter Hamburger Bahnhof Invalidenstr. 5… Vorbei: 12j 11m · 3.966 · Eingetragen von D.N.K Fotos0 People SPACE VOYAGE Project @ New Location: Alter Hambuger Bahnhof Berlin · Deutschland · Karte Fr., 24.02.12, 23:30 - Sa., 25.02., 15:00= 15std 30minIndoor · / 8 · Vorbei: 12j 11m