Party 11. - 12.11.17 · Indoor · Kathmandu, Nepal Line-Up: Join us for the space cake sundown edition entry is freeand first 10 peopel get free house drinks from 3pm onwards.. come early.. the line ups are 5 - 6: Omkara 6 - 8: Freakmode 8 - 10: Psy Ninja 10 -…Location: Shamrock Irish Pub & Rooftop Cinema Kathmandu Paknajol Marg,… Vorbei: 7j 4m · 157 · Eingetragen von Vinayak Fotos0 People Space Cake sun down edition Kathmandu · Nepal · Karte Sa., 11.11.17, 15:00 - So., 12.11., 22:00= 1t 7stdIndoor · Vorbei: 7j 4m