Party 30. - 31.03.13 · Club · Zagreb, Kroatien Line-Up: Tomislav (Teleport 100.5fm, Soundforms) Val Vashar (Ministarstvo Psihodelije, Zenon rec.) Twisted Twins (Soundforms) Plasma Corp. (Veleno Music)Info: Retro party with an emphasis on the old sound from the period 96 - 04. Music will be played mostly from old vinyl records.Location: Club Aquarius Vorbei: 11j 11m · 507 · Eingetragen von Twisted Twins Fotos0 People Soundforms Zagreb · Kroatien Sa., 30.03.13, 22:00 - So., 31.03., 12:00= 13stdClub · Vorbei: 11j 11m