Sorry, you have accessed a page that is only accessible to members.Click here to go to the Member Login Party 15. - 16.03.20 · Club · Bangkok, Thailand Line-Up: Line-up : ॐLiquidsound (Austria) ॐPuffer P ॐJack the Jackal ॐMetasonic (South Africa)Info: Sonic Dreams Psytrance Thailand presents Sonic Night pres. Liquidsound, Puffer P & Jack the Jackal Line-up : ॐLiquidsound (Austria) ॐPuffer P ॐJack the Jackal ॐMetasonic (South Africa) ABOUT ॐLiquidso…Location: GLOW Sukhumvit 23 Bangkok Thailand Vorbei: 4j 11m · 204 · Eingetragen von Puffer P Berichte0 Fotos0 Meeting0 People Sonic Night : Liquidsound, Puffer P, Jack the Jackal & Metasonic Bangkok · Thailand · Karte So., 15.03.20, 21:30 - Mo., 16.03., 03:00= 5std 30minClub · Vorbei: 4j 11m