Hoppla! Du hast eine Seite aufgerufen, die nur für Member erreichbar ist.Hier geht es zum Member Login Party 03. - 04.10.09 · Indoor · Newcastle upon Tyne, Großbritannien Line-Up: Zetan Spore (Aardvark Records, Psylicious) LIVE! Having played their first gig in 1997 and being more motivated by the live side of music, they have kept their set-up almost entirely hardware-based…Jon Kenobi (PSYPNEUMATIX RECORDS) ..... Dave Thoburn Vs Samuel El Ganov…Info: Dancers / Fire / Stilts / Baffoonery: Tribe Zuza Bellydancers (Newcastle) Lunatricks and Co. (Newcastle and Manchester) Jay Parker (stilt walker) World WalkerLocation: Newcastle University Kings Walk Newcastle upon Tyne NE1 7RU… Vorbei: 15j 5m · 2.524 · Eingetragen von irishfaery Fotos0 People Sonic Monkeys Newcastle upon Tyne · Großbritannien Sa., 03.10.09, 21:00 - So., 04.10., 03:00= 6stdIndoor · Vorbei: 15j 5m