Party 11. - 13.03.11 · Indoor · South, Deutschland / 1 Line-Up: HYPNOCOUSTICS (London / United Kingdom) Hypnocoustics is Ben Wood & Joe Studt - friends from University who share a love of psychedelic music / freedom and festivals. Both have been in rock bands an…SALTAUX (Munich) Presents his new compilation BMSS Records! YAN GECKO (Darmstadt) NA NOON vs RIKSHA (Stuttgart) ABS (Heidelberg / Bodensee) BOOM SHANKAR (Heidelberg) ALEXSOPH (Bodensee) M…Location: Beat Box / Maybachstr. 8 / 78467 Konstanz / Germany Vorbei: 13j 11m · 4.163 · Eingetragen von Boom Shankar Fotos0 People Solar System - Chapter Three: Sun & Moon (BMSS Label Party) South · Deutschland Fr., 11.03.11, 21:00 - So., 13.03., 05:00= 1t 8stdIndoor · / 1 · Vorbei: 13j 11m