Party 01. - 02.08.08 · Indoor · Dublin, Irland Line-Up: Top-notch Psychedelic Trance with: Zefer (Neutronyx / Spain) Dj Druid (Dream Tunnel / Northern Ireland) Squee (Neutronyx / Portugal) Daniel Rell (Spain) "Noka e tlatswa ke dinokana - A river s…Info: Neutronyx brings you another fantastic Radio City evening! Back from Life Festival, we promiss to make you dance and bring you back to the roots of civilization itself by dancing for a common objectiv…Location: Radio City - Store St. Opposite Busaras, Luas Stop Vorbei: 16j 6m · 1.424 · Eingetragen von Squee Fotos0 People SOL @ Radio City Dublin · Irland Fr., 01.08.08, 23:00 - Sa., 02.08., 03:00= 4stdIndoor · Vorbei: 16j 6m