Party 27.03.05, 01:00 - 06:30 · Indoor · Corbera Llobregat - BARCELONA, Spanien Line-Up: SIRIUS ISNESS (Mind Control Records, FR)HANDS (Muskaria, LaCova) NANUK (Muskaria, LaCova)Info: To reach La Cova: Take highway Barcelona city to Lerida city. Take exit 599. Take B-24 direction Tarragona city. Take exit number 7 in Corbera town, La Palma town. Arrive at a circular square and take…Location: La Cova club(Corbera Llobregat - Barcelona - Spain): Club pl… Vorbei: 19j 11m · 1.176 · Eingetragen von Hashattack Fotos0 People Sirius Isness presents new album @ Muskaria-LaCova Corbera Llobregat - BARCELO… · Spanien So., 27.03.05, 01:00 - 06:30= 4std 30minIndoor · Vorbei: 19j 11m