Party 12. - 13.12.09 · Indoor · wageningen, Niederlande Line-Up: back to mars dogo plu likwid&tila navcore acidilInfo: this will be the anual sinterdelic hosted by plu! bring a small gift and you will also get a suprise!!! ...use your imagination :) deco bij lonkiponk and anahata project We will anounce the location b…Location: by mailinglist We will anounce the location by mail, send a… Vorbei: 15j 2m · 1.465 · Eingetragen von dinilysia Fotos0 People sinterdelic wageningen · Niederlande Sa., 12.12.09, 23:00 - So., 13.12., 08:00= 9stdIndoor · Vorbei: 15j 2m