Party 31.12. - 01.01.15 · Indoor · The Hague, Niederlande Line-Up: Allready confirmed line-up till now: Djane lizas, Dj GoPa, Dj jepeto (Paradijsvogels)NL & 2 Mayor Surprise Acts !!Info: As we know a revolutionairy evolution is on it’s way. THE CHAINREACTION V We end step the year of manifestation 2014 and dance into the year of light 2015. Wich, of course would like to share with…Location: Johanna Naberweg 5 Den Haag Vorbei: 10j 2m · 1.287 · Eingetragen von Leon Fotos0 People Shut up and Dance presents Chainreaction V The Hague · Niederlande Mi., 31.12.14, 22:30 - Do., 01.01.15, 08:00= 9std 30minIndoor · Vorbei: 10j 2m