Party 29. - 30.07.09 · Open Air · Manali , Indien Line-Up: EXAILE (Israel) - Live (Special Appearance on Guitar) Ground Breaking Music Special Live Opening JAM Performance By International Bands \ Musicians Featuring TABLA, FLUTE, JAMBE, DIGIDIDOO, GUITAR…DJ PSYSICK - (Israel) Shivlink & Beyond Logic Rec DJ NICK (India) Shivlink Records http:\\\elektronick09 DJ HARRY (Manali) Shivlink RecordsInfo: Exaile is Nir Sobol & Eyal Tzur. They arrived into trance from totally different directions. Eyal has been playing piano since he was 10 and is a graduate of Israel's top music school - Rimon. He also…Location: Johnson Bar, Manali, HP Vorbei: 15j 7m · 4.448 · Eingetragen von Dj Nick Aka Elektronick Fotos0 People Shivlink & Beyond Logic Presents : EXAILE in Manali Manali · Indien Mi., 29.07.09, 22:00 - Do., 30.07., 12:00= 14stdOpen Air · Vorbei: 15j 7m