Party 28. - 29.07.06 · Open Air · Koh Phangan Ban Tai, Thailand Line-Up: manussa (psychonauticmindlab rec.)ch. /ger. manussa is a new live act ( sanuk&satwah)in the psyconauticmindlab family and present our new tunes fett& fresh from the psychonauticmindlab-labatory!satwah (psychonauticmindlab rec.)ger. sanuk(psychonauticmindlab rec)ch fred(full color)fra. phil(pirat 's place)ch. katzumi(indigo blue)jap.Location: shivamoon location ban tai in the jungle in the heart of koh… Vorbei: 18j 6m · 2.592 · Eingetragen von linda&alex(dj-satwah) Fotos0 People shivamoon phangan Koh Phangan Ban Tai · Thailand Fr., 28.07.06, 21:00 - Sa., 29.07., 13:00= 16stdOpen Air · Vorbei: 18j 6m