Party 11. - 12.06.16 · Indoor · Leipzig, Deutschland Line-Up: LIVE: !!! FIRST TIME IN LEIPZIG !!! ► MAGIC SEEDS (MK) // Sonic Chakras Rec. / Real Vision ► STRIX ALUCO (DE) // Amaya Productions DJs: ► SHAMANIAK (AT) // Shipibo Sounds / Banyan Records ► GLOBAL…Info: Shipibo Sounds first strike in Germany!! Our aim is to present you mind expanding events, mainly focused on the more dark, organic and deeper side of Psytrance. We always want to create a new experien…Location: Pferdehaus, KH87, Leipzig Vorbei: 8j 8m · 1.096 · Eingetragen von Shipibo Sounds Fotos0 People Shipibo Sounds presents: UCAYALI Leipzig · Deutschland · Karte Sa., 11.06.16, 23:00 - So., 12.06., 10:00= 11stdIndoor · Vorbei: 8j 8m