Party 03. - 04.11.17 · Indoor · Vienna, Österreich Line-Up: LIVE: !!! FIRST TIME IN VIENNA !!! ►KASADELICA // Hadra Records (ISR) !!! FIRST TIME IN AUSTRIA !!! ► RADICE // Biomechanikal Records/Atman Tribe (ITA) ► NOCTURNES CREATURES // Damaru Records ► CHU…Info: Shono, the world tree, usually called Lupuna by the Shipibos, is very important for the journey to the land of visions. This tree is the highest giant in the jungle and can be up to 50 meters high. Wh…Location: DasWerk Wien Spittelauer Lände 12 1090 Vienna Vorbei: 7j 4m · 1.774 · Eingetragen von Shipibo Sounds Fotos0 People Shipibo Sounds presents: LUPUNA Vienna · Österreich · Karte Fr., 03.11.17, 23:00 - Sa., 04.11., 06:00= 7stdIndoor · Vorbei: 7j 4m