Party 06. - 07.10.23 · Indoor · Near Vienna, Österreich Line-Up: ► FUTSCHERA // Independent (Tekno) ► HOLONIC // Inependent (Forest) ► PANWUWU // Kodama (Forest) ► SABSUNSHINE // Soundlab Pirates (Forest) ► SHAMANIAK // Banyan Records / Shipibo Sounds (Tek or Psy…Info: Our aim is to present you mind expanding events, mainly focused on the more dark, organic and deeper side of Psytrance, this time combined with some Tekno sounds. We are doing the party for our very g…Location: Kellergewölbe Gasthaus Lazarus in Horitschon, , Near Vienna Vorbei: 1j 4m · 788 · Eingetragen von Shipibo Sounds Berichte0 Fotos0 Meeting0 People Shipibo Sounds presents: ANI SHINAN III Near Vienna · Österreich Fr., 06.10.23, 22:00 - Sa., 07.10., 10:00= 12stdIndoor · Vorbei: 1j 4m