Party 22. - 23.10.16 · Indoor · near Vienna, Österreich Line-Up: LIVE: !!! FIRST TIME IN AUSTRIA !!! ► METAPHYZ (FR) // Funky Freaks Records / Mushroom Hunters ► ISOMETRIC (ES) // Gloom Music ► BEWEGGRUND (AT) ( Alpentrauma Records ) DJs: ► BLACK SHEEP (AT) // E…Info: Our aim is to present you mind expanding events, mainly focused on the more dark, organic and deeper side of Psytrance. We always want to create a new experience for you and because of that, we are ve…Location: Secret (Burgenland, less than 1 hour from Vienna) Vorbei: 8j 4m · 1.591 · Eingetragen von Shipibo Sounds Fotos0 People Shipibo Sounds presents: Ani Shinan II near Vienna · Österreich · Karte Sa., 22.10.16, 22:00 - So., 23.10., 10:00= 12stdIndoor · Vorbei: 8j 4m