Party 06. - 07.03.10 · Club · London, Großbritannien Line-Up: FUNGUS FUNK (Blitz Studio, Russia) BAMBOO FOREST (Spain) ATRIOHM (Parvati Records, Macedonia)**UK debut** SHIVA CENTRAL (Audio Ashram, India) ** UK debut ** GAIANA (Pagan Records, Lithuania) ** UK d…Zooch (Arkona Creation, Lithuania) Beardy (Wildthing Rec., UK) Unitone (Sunstation Records, Estonia) BAMBOO FOREST (Exclusive old skool Dj set) IMPULSE RESPONSE (Indian Connection, Panama) vs. BABA…Info: For the celebration of life, we take great pleasure in bring to lively people like yourself, a line up of great diversity and depth, together to a place sprouted out of passion, love for trance (mus…Location: @Club Colosseum 1 nine elms lane, Vauxhall london SW4 5NQ Vorbei: 14j 11m · 3.500 · Eingetragen von Abhitrance Fotos0 People "Shattered Barriers" London · Großbritannien Sa., 06.03.10, 22:30 - So., 07.03., 10:00= 11std 30minClub · Vorbei: 14j 11m