Party 07. - 08.03.15 · Indoor · Roma, Italien Line-Up: ◆ MEERKUT Live [ Funky Freaks ] // FRANCE Meerkut, who's coming from "meerkat" (a small mammal belonging to the mongoose family). I was lulled into a world of psychedelic sounds from my ea…Info: ::::: ॐ Come raggiungere il Brancaleone ॐ ::: IN MACCHINA Dalle autostrade sia da sud che da nord: Uscire sul G.R.A. e prendere uscita Nomentana (Uscita 11) d…Location: Brancaleone - Via Levanna 13 Vorbei: 10j 6t · 735 · Eingetragen von Free Spirit Foundation Fotos0 People Shanti@ Meerkut live + Phobos dj set + Deco by Subliquida Roma · Italien Sa., 07.03.15, 23:00 - So., 08.03., 06:00= 7stdIndoor · Vorbei: 10j 6t