Party 18. - 21.06.15 · Festival · Lostallo, Schweiz / 1 Line-Up: •☀ ARTISTS ☀• ☀ BURN IN NOISE (Alchemy Records) BRA ☼ ☀ VIBRASPHERE by Robert Elster (Tribal Vision Rec.) SWE ☼ ☀ ELECTRIC UNIVERSE (Dacru Records) DE ☼ ☀ BUBBLE (Mushy Records) ISR ☼ ☀ U-RECKEN (…Info: English: Life itself is a union of singular experiences. Happiness, sorrow, pride, love, imagination, illusion and friendship to name only a few… but we have been given the gift to choose our path. Ju…Location: LOSTALLO (GR-TI) SWITZERLAND ☀ By Car: From Basel, Zürich, G… Vorbei: 9j 9m · 16.399 · Eingetragen von Shankra Festival Fotos0 People SHANKRA FESTIVAL 2015 Lostallo · Schweiz Do., 18.06.15, 18:00 - So., 21.06., 16:00= 2t 22stdFestival · / 1 · Vorbei: 9j 9m