Party 23. - 24.02.13 · Indoor · San Carlos, Ibiza, Spanien Line-Up: IMOX MAYA Guatemala (Sumeria Records Ibiza) !!!Chromatic garden EP Release!!BASSLION (Sumeria Records Ibiza, Maharetta Records) Ibiza DJAMAL (Sumeria Records Ibiza) Ibiza/Holanda BLUE NOMAD (Sumeria Records Ibiza)Info: Two days before the fullmoon of February welcome you all again to celebrate our existence, many Birthdays and the New EP release of IMOX MAYA, with the power of the moon in the midst of the winter.…Location: Las Dalias San Carlos Vorbei: 12j · 1.913 · Eingetragen von sumeria productions Fotos0 People SHAMBALA Winter Moon San Carlos, Ibiza · Spanien Sa., 23.02.13, 23:30 - So., 24.02., 06:00= 6std 30minIndoor · Vorbei: 12j