Party 07. - 08.02.09 · Indoor · Thessaloniki, Griechenland Line-Up: BLISARGON DEMOGORGON [Bhooteshwara Records] AJJA and YAB YUM Live !!! (Peak Records) CLAW [Noize Conspiracy Records] DARK ELF [DiscoValley Records, HSS, MMHR]SONER [Psy Vibes]Info: more infos on isratrance !!! Greek SectionLocation: NERAIDA Airport Thessaloniki North GREECE Vorbei: 16j 1m · 2.397 · Eingetragen von dark elf Fotos0 People Shadows OUT of Time !!! Thessaloniki · Griechenland Sa., 07.02.09, 23:00 - So., 08.02., 08:30= 9std 30minIndoor · Vorbei: 16j 1m