Party 09. - 10.07.22 · Open Air · Auckland, Neuseeland Line-Up: 09:30 - Ponyo's 11:30 - Divinori 01:00 - Carmizen 02:30 - Sapian 04:00 - Zagada 05:00 - Psynamics 06:00 - Pied Piper + GuestsInfo: Entry $40 koha gate entry $100 Group of 5 Deal make payment to (12-3014-0033368-00) What to Bring warm clothes blanket party toys ROARLocation: Rural HQ, 69e Onehunga Mall, 1061 Auckland Vorbei: 2j 7m · 711 · Eingetragen von ruralremix Berichte0 Fotos0 Meeting0 People Ruralremix - Openair Auckland · Neuseeland · Karte Sa., 09.07.22, 22:00 - So., 10.07., 08:00= 10stdOpen Air · Vorbei: 2j 7m