Party 22. - 23.02.25 · Indoor · İstanbul, Türkei Line-Up: ORIOFONUL ALL.I.CAN SARPT. OGIMARU SALEK OXOMOInfo: Flowcore Collective is dedicated to bring together passionate fans of innovative and alternative music in all its diverse forms, and we're back on February 22nd with a night that shows off our deep ps…Location: Sumahan Studio, Bankalar Cad. Yanıkkapı Sok. No:3 Karaköy/İstanbu, 34100 İstanbul Vorbei: 18t 15std · 104 · Eingetragen von FlowcoreCollective Berichte0 Fotos0 Meeting0 People Roots of the Future İstanbul · Türkei · Karte Sa., 22.02.25, 22:00 - So., 23.02., 05:00= 7stdIndoor · Vorbei: 18t 15std