Sorry, you have accessed a page that is only accessible to members.Click here to go to the Member Login Party 01. - 02.08.14 · Indoor · London, Großbritannien Line-Up: Dance Temple Deck Wizards: Tsuyoshi Suzuki (Matsuri/Joujuka/Prana) (accompanied by battling classical string ensemble Jayju and Marsha) Mark Allen John Phatasm (Phantasm Records) Shakti (Trancendance)…Info: 21 years after their original collaboration RTTS are reuniting for a special party celebration at Brixton’s Electric, formerly known as The Fridge and home to one of their famous residencies. In keepi…Location: The Electric Town Hall Parade Brixton London SW2 1RJ UK Vorbei: 10j 7m · 1.127 · Eingetragen von Shakti Trancendance Fotos0 People Return to the Source - 21st Anniversary Reunion Party London · Großbritannien · Karte Fr., 01.08.14, 22:00 - Sa., 02.08., 07:00= 9stdIndoor · Vorbei: 10j 7m