Party 20. - 21.04.19 · Open Air · Cusco, Peru Line-Up: Dj Ron - Amsterdam Holland Dready Naga - Istanbul, Turkey Espiritus - DarkPsy Cusco Washuma - Psytrance Cusco +Aquamorfus - PsyDark - Prana Rec. +TupaQ - Techno - My Little Dog Records +Yoshi -…Info: #Party #fullmoonparty #fullmoon🌕 #rave #openair #micro #festival #darkpsy #cuzco #sacredvalley #inkadelica #technomusic #psytrance #psychedelic #mountain #nature #valley #music #Location: YUCAY- Qintu Wasi - Sacred Valley of the incas - Cusco - Per… Vorbei: 5j 10m · 1.783 · Eingetragen von Inkadelica Berichte0 Fotos0 Meeting0 People Resurrection! Cusco · Peru · Karte Sa., 20.04.19, 18:00 - So., 21.04., 12:00= 18stdOpen Air · Vorbei: 5j 10m