Party 04. - 05.06.22 · In- & Outdoor · Berlin, Deutschland Line-Up: xXETEXx line-up 04.06.2022 xXETEXx Floor 1 Josephine Wedekind 11-1:00 Kliment till 3:00 Back to Mars till 5:00 Jairam till 6:30 Kythera till 8:00 Caro Sunshine b2b MEiK end xXETEXx Floor 2 Bayawaka 1,…Info: REFLEX IS THE INVOLUNTARY, RAPID, AND ALWAYS SIMILAR REACTION OF AN ORGANISM TO CERTAIN STIMULI. As an alternative to the digital spheres of individualism, Reflex Festival creates analog space to c…Location: Berlin Berlin Berlin Berlin Berlin Berlin Berlin Berlin Alte… Vorbei: 2j 9m · 485 · Eingetragen von josewe Berichte0 Fotos0 Meeting0 People Reflex Festival & xXETEXx Berlin Berlin · Deutschland · Karte Sa., 04.06.22, 23:00 - So., 05.06., 22:00= 23stdIn- & Outdoor · Vorbei: 2j 9m