Party 27. - 28.07.07 · Indoor · Dubai, Vereinigte Arabische Emirate Line-Up: KEROSENE CLUB/STOMP (India)Info: RAVELATIONS with KEROSENE CLUB/STOMP (India) @ TOUCH (Four Points Sheraton, Bank Street Bur Dubai) on Friday 27/07 10p.m onwards Entry- AED65/-(free entry for the ladies)Location: Touch, Four Points Sheraton, Bur Dubai Vorbei: 17j 7m · 1.338 · Eingetragen von psycosphere Fotos0 People RAVELATIONS with KEROSENE CLUB/STOMP (India) Dubai · Vereinigte Arabische Emirate Fr., 27.07.07, 22:00 - Sa., 28.07., 03:00= 5stdIndoor · Vorbei: 17j 7m