Party 24. - 25.02.24 · Indoor · Barcelona, Spanien Line-Up: 00h/1h30 MINOA -live set- 01h30/03h NASIRI -live set- 03h/05h PICCAYA -dj set- 05h/08h ZORGLUB -dj set- 08h/10h MINAKAM -dj set-Info: Welcome once again to our incredible venue! One of the only real underground place in Barcelona : welcome to our occupied factory, where we live and craft our art. Not a club, expect the best vibes, ar…Location: La Escocesa, Carrer de Pere IV, 345, 08020 Barcelona Vorbei: 11m 26t · 521 · Eingetragen von @adiamat_flor Berichte0 Fotos0 Meeting0 People Rave Up!!#4 Barcelona · Spanien · Karte Sa., 24.02.24, 00:00 - So., 25.02., 10:00= 1t 10stdIndoor · Vorbei: 11m 26t