Party 10. - 11.08.10 · Indoor · Edinburgh, Großbritannien Line-Up: Brad Gamma (Random Rec./ UK)Dark el Kante (Random Rec., 6D-Soundz / Spain) Flow (Planet monkey / Portugal) Aurora (North soundscape Rec., Headroom / UK) Babylon 7 (Timelord 2012 / UK)Info: Random Records is a non-profit label created exclusively to help projects supporting indigenous communities around the world. There are, today, over 300 million people, including at least 5000 distinc…Location: The Bongo Club Vorbei: 14j 6m · 1.060 · Eingetragen von Dark el kante Fotos0 People Random Edinburgh · Großbritannien Di., 10.08.10, 23:30 - Mi., 11.08., 05:00= 5std 30minIndoor · Vorbei: 14j 6m