Party 18. - 19.06.10 · Club · Edinburgh, Großbritannien Line-Up: MUSSY MOODY (Parvati Rec./ Denmark)DARK EL KANTE (Random Rec., 6D-Soundz / Spain) SHOCK WAVE (Mezcal tribe / Italy) FLOW (Planet monkey / Portugal)Info: Random comes again to the Bongo club with international Live performance and Djs from all over the world and promoting their 1st release "Indigenous S.O.S.benefit project, a 3xcd album to collect…Location: The Bongo club 37 Holyrood road Vorbei: 14j 8m · 2.301 · Eingetragen von Dark el kante Fotos0 People RANDOM Edinburgh · Großbritannien Fr., 18.06.10, 23:00 - Sa., 19.06., 03:00= 4stdClub · Vorbei: 14j 8m