Party 19. - 20.09.09 · Indoor · Eindhoven , Niederlande / 1 Line-Up: Progressive/Goa area: Anoebis (BE) (Suntrip Rec) Inada (BE) (Cronomi Rec) Kairon (BE) (Neurobiotic Rec) Froneo (NL) (Boombats) Liken vs Jemca Explody (NL) (Boombats) Dark/Fullon: Strange Attractor (NL…Info: 3 areas > Progressive/Goa - Fullon/Dark - Chill Chai - food - fluo shop. There will be market stalls with nice handmade art and clothes ! Due to the large interest in this gathering and the limited…Location: Nice location! Vorbei: 15j 5m · 3.587 · Eingetragen von Rainbow Folks Fotos0 People Rainbow Folks presents "Password is Love" Eindhoven · Niederlande Sa., 19.09.09, 22:00 - So., 20.09., 10:00= 12stdIndoor · / 1 · Vorbei: 15j 5m