Party 15. - 16.11.08 · Open Air · Mexico City, Mexiko Line-Up: Ace Ventura (Iboga Records) Israel Headroom (Nano Recs) SA Twenty Eight (Vagalume) Brasil Bienmesabe (Sounds of Earth) Mx Odiseo (Sounds of Earth) Mx Ecliptic (Undergroove) MxChloe Harris (Bedrock/Further) USA Dj Zombi (Sprout Music) israel Pedrao (Vagalume) Brasil Vazik (Sounds of Earth) Mx Forza (Sounds of Earth) Mx Sankha (Sounds of Earth) Mx Signal Deluxe (Sounds of Ea…Location: soon.. Vorbei: 16j 3m · 5.069 · Eingetragen von Sankha Fotos0 People °°RADIANCE 2008°° Mexico City · Mexiko Sa., 15.11.08, 21:00 - So., 16.11., 16:30= 19std 30minOpen Air · Vorbei: 16j 3m