Party 09. - 10.03.18 · Indoor · Berlin, Deutschland / 2 Line-Up: ╔═● AUDIOPATHIK // Live ┃ Mexico ✈ ╚● Pleiadian Records / Kamino Records ╔═● TROMO // Live ┃ Greece ✈ ╚● Sonic Loom Music ╔═● CHROMATEC // Live ┃ Munich ✈ ╚● Deviant Force Records ╔═● MUTARO //…Info: Quintessence Records is taking the next step - we're thrilled to present our first Label Night! Besides our resident acts, of course, we invited some artists that we found to be significantly influent…Location: YAAM Berlin An der Schillingbrücke 3 10243 Berlin [close to… Vorbei: 6j 11m · 2.935 · Eingetragen von Sascha Kamino Berichte0 Fotos0 Meeting0 People Quintessence Label Night #1 Berlin · Deutschland · Karte Fr., 09.03.18, 23:00 - Sa., 10.03., 10:00= 11stdIndoor · / 2 · Vorbei: 6j 11m