Party 31.01. - 01.02.09 · Indoor · Dublin, Irland Line-Up: Unreal (GoodTrance Records) Portugal Unreal is a psychedelic trance project started in 2002 by Sergio Miguel and Filipe Duarte. These two musicians from Lisbon, aged 24, have been playing in the Port…Zefer (Neutronyx) SpainZefer is Fernando Martin, Dublin based Neutronyx Resident DJ And Manager. Playing for over 10 years, founder and main voice of Neutronyx, Fernando has played along side acts lik…Info: About PTConnection Veterans from the 90's "Portuguese Psychedelic War" get together to bring to Dublin an experiment of different magic nights full of high quality Live Acts and elite Psyche…Location: Radio City Store Street, Dublin 1 Opposite BUSARAS Vorbei: 16j 1m · 2.772 · Eingetragen von Squee Fotos0 People PTConnection & Neutronyx presents THE 1ST CALLING Dublin · Irland Sa., 31.01.09, 23:00 - So., 01.02., 02:30= 3std 30minIndoor · Vorbei: 16j 1m