Party 28. - 29.10.17 · Open Air · Gili air, Indonesien Line-Up: Abstract - Purple Hexagon Records ~~~ Indonesia Patrizio - Shamans Records ~~~ Italy Botanic Beats - Gili Records ~~~ BelgiumInfo: Lets get together for a day time party to celebrate Patricio's birthday and the end of high season. Bring your funkyLocation: Lucky's Bar Vorbei: 7j 4m · 490 · Eingetragen von Juthonnard Fotos0 People Psytrance party on the beach Gili air · Indonesien · Karte Sa., 28.10.17, 18:00 - So., 29.10., 03:00= 10stdOpen Air · Vorbei: 7j 4m